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Devotionals    H3'ed 7/25/24

Charisma News - Mocking God with False Apocalyptic Prophecies to Sell Books

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Then he said to them, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. - Luke 21:10-11 (ESV)

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For those who do not know, Michael Snyder is a failed Congressional candidate from Idaho in 2018, who garnered a whopping ten percent of the vote in the Republican Primary that year. When he is not losing political races, Snyder is a dominionist par excellence over at Charisma News. The above link is to his latest article on Charisma where he seems almost giddy about some dire "prophetic" warnings he received from another YouTube crackpot. I wondered why until I saw in his profile that Snyder is selling a book entitled, "Chaos." The description intimates that this book has Snyder piecing together prophecies that portend apocalyptic events that are imminent. So, it is no surprise that he sought out disturbing videos that support his premise, in the name of Jesus of course. You just can't make this stuff up. Let us reason once more together beloved.

"Are you ready for complete and utter chaos to break loose in 2025? In this article, I am going to share with you a very alarming video that a friend sent over. I watched the entire video, and it really resonated with me. A woman says that an angel showed her 4 major things that are coming in 2025, and all of the major things that this woman was shown have also been seen by others. In recent years, people all over the world have been having supernatural experiences in which details about important events that are going to happen in the future are revealed, and this is something that I have been documenting for a long time. Unfortunately, most of the global population is not interested in such warnings. The video that contains this woman's account of what happened was posted by Joseph of the Great Miracles Avenue YouTube channel. I have come across a number of his videos before, and I really like the guy. He doesn't speak English very clearly, but thankfully you can easily follow along with what he is saying because his words are there for you on the bottom of the screen. If you have a few minutes, I very much encourage you to watch the entire video." - Michael Snyder

Are you ready for utter chaos! Odd that is also the name of the book he is trying to sell, no? Seriously, why are we listening to one crackpot, telling us about another crackpot, who heard about a third person who does not appear stable either? I went to see Joseph's page over at the "Great Miracles Avenue" YouTube channel. One video he was promoting declared that Mel Gibson revealed who the antichrist is. Another claimed he saw Chadwick Boseman in hell. A third said that God showed him the real identity of Michele Obama. I think my referring to this guy as a crackpot was insulting to actual crackpots. Yet this is a guy Snyder really likes and Charisma news thought nothing of promoting? Now, let us see what this third person story looks like:

"According to her testimony, this woman had a very unusual supernatural experience on March 26th. She got home from work at about 9 p.m., and she was quite exhausted. She decided to take a shower, and as she was getting out she fell and hit her head. Then she had some dinner and went to bed. At about 11 p.m. she heard a voice calling her. A little bit later, she once again heard a voice calling her, and this voice was coming from outside. But she didn't want to go outside to see who was saying her name. After that she was taken into a very deep sleep and that is when her experience began. At one point during the experience, it appears that she was standing outside of heaven. An angel suddenly appeared before her, and this angel told her that it was not time for her to go inside yet. This really got my attention, because this is the sort of thing that I have heard in countless near death experiences. Was this woman's head injury far more serious than she realized? The angel told her that her work on Earth had not been completed yet, and she was given a message to take back. In fact, the angel clearly stated that he had been sent to deliver this message to her. The angel explained that in 2025 there will be "a lot more hardship" than we have experienced this year. This goes right along with what so many others have been shown as well. This woman was told that the people of God do not want to turn away from their sins and that God has sent warnings but most have not listened. She was also told that God is not happy with how the leaders of the world are treating His children." - Michael Snyder

You have to be kidding me. So, some lady bumps her head and starting hearing voices and then is whisked away to the Pearly Gates? There she is greeted by an angel according to the story. Let us stand back for a minute. We are supposed to believe that the creator of the entire universe divinely wrote His word but somehow forgot about four warnings for the year 2025 and decided in His unlimited wisdom and with His unlimited resources, to send an angel to tell this unidentified woman, so she could tell someone else, whose promoted videos make him seem like he needs a psych ward, so that Michael Snyder could write about it on Charisma News? Is it any wonder that no one takes the church serious today? What is this dire prophetic word? That 2025 will have more hardship than 2024? That's it? Well, that and the NAR talking point nonsense about how Christians are treated. Let us now see the absolute stupidity of the specifics this "angel" told this woman:

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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